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Short help
Usage in a command prompt (MS-DOS or unix shell):

cisoplus ACTION [OPTIONS] in_file out_file

-dec: to decompress
-com: to compress
-est: to estimate compression rate. No output file is written

OPTIONS are one or more of these switches:
-ln: where n is a number from [1-9] specifying the compression level. 1 = fast but large file, 9 = small file but slow compression. If not specified, CisoPlus uses 9 
-opt: optimized compression. By default, CisoPlus uses Booster's code to compress. If the -opt is set, CisoPlus uses an optimized code 
-MT: threaded compression. If the -MT is set, CisoPlus use an optimized compression for Hyper-Threading and Dual-Core processors. Depending on the CPU and HDD capacities, the compression is up to 2 times faster. The threaded mode is available with -com & -est 
-tnn: where nn is a number from [00-99] specifying the threshold percentage. If the compressed blocksize is greater than (threshold+1)%, it will not be compressed. Decrease this value if the game lags. By default, the threshold is 99 as in original Booster's compression 
-qn: where q is a number from [1-9] specifying the estimation quality. 1 = accurate estimation but slow, 9 = fast but inaccurate estimation 
-vid: put video files in NC areas. If -vid is set, CisoPlus searches for video files in the input file and forces them to be in the not compressed area without analyzing if they could be compressed. Original Booster's compression does not use -vid 
-aud: put audio files in NC areas 
-ext.XX1.XX2.XXN: where XX1 to XXN are file extensions. If a file in the ISO has the same extension as one of the XXi, this file will be put in NC area. Eg: -ext.prx.bin will put *.prx and *.bin files in NC area. Original Booster's compression does not use -ext 
-rm_vid: put video files in Lost area to reduce CSO size. The videos are not written in the output file. As a consequence when decompressing such a CSO, it will not be possible to recover these video files. The game can be also unplayable on the PSP. !!!PLEASE DO NOT USE THIS OPTION IF YOU DO NOT HAVE THE FULL ISO ON YOUR COMPUTER!!! 
-rm_aud: put audio files in Lost area to reduce CSO size 
-rm_ext: if -ext.XX1.XX2.XXN is set, the files will be send in Lost area instead of NC area. This option is even more dangerous than -rm_vid or -rm_aud. The game will be totally unplayable if you do not set the extensions carefully.
Категория: Документации | Добавил: cisoplus (06.10.2008)
Просмотров: 1947 | Комментарии: 2 | Рейтинг: 5.0/1 |
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